Becoming a Person of Influence... Moving from Independent to Interdependence

Becoming a Person of Influence... Moving from Independent to Interdependence


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Expanding the conversation on the nuances of transactional vs. transformational leadership, this program focuses on strategies for becoming a person of influence. Transitioning from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset requires setting your intention and creating a path forward that uses your core strengths and aligns with others to maximize effectiveness and increase overall engagement.

We have all experienced the “lone wolf” colleague who acted independently without collaboration with others, or could be found using continual disruption to sidetrack goals and gain attention. Conversely, we have also been the beneficiary of transformational leaders that synergize with others to create win-win solutions and positive outcomes. They seek to understand others and endeavor to create opportunities that yield extraordinary results and fulfillment for all stakeholders.  Areas of exploration include:

  • Understanding the framework for navigating change
  • Identifying strategies for coaching and team development
  • Adopting tactful responses to diffuse deliberate disrupters
  • Developing a personal growth plan – your way forward
Course Number DPQ-001-00
Course Provider Dr. Debbie Phillips of The Quadrillion
Duration 1 Hour(s)

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  • $35.00
    • Credits

      • Default Credit Type: 1

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